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Analytics, What Do They Really Do For Your Facility?

Hands holding a tablet displaying medical data and charts.

You meet with your new EHR implementation team and they go over all the detailed analytics your new system is capable of but, what function do these analytics really play in your facility? Numbers and charts are useless unless you know what they can do for you! Although their use is vast, here are a few key functions of your analytics tool.

Identifying Workflow

Inefficiencies Analytics on your workflow can really bring issues to the surface that may have gone unrecognized previously. Understanding things like wait times throughout the patient visit can highlight potential bottle necks, for example; the average waiting room time for a patient is a mere 5 minutes but the average wait time in the exam room is 20 minutes. Drilling down to understand why this is happening is all part of Workflow analysis!

Diagnostic Evaluations

Chances are, your practice is visited by patients across multiple demographics and populations, but what if you could analyze the trends in medications, diagnosis, outcomes, etc. based on those demographics and populations? More efficient treatments and follow-ups result in better outcomes and improved patient satisfaction! Imagine if you could run these reports with 1 click? You can!

Meet Clinical Quality Measures

The push to meet the requirements for Meaningful Use is not only beneficial to your patient’s care but to your bottom line. Accessibility to the data elements that you need for attestation as well as other programs such as GiQuic, PQRS and PCMH helps keep you in control of your status and prevent reimbursement reductions. This data can automatically be collected as part of your normal documentation workflow, no extra steps needed!

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