EndoVault API Integration with Epic®
Upon announcement of the EndoWorks® discontinuation, Grady Memorial was in need of a replacement solution for their GI suite that would not only meet their current needs but enhance their workflow. Already used in their Pulmonary suite, EndoVault® was quick to become their preferred choice.
Taking Implementation Beyond the Norm
After reviewing Grady’s workflow and priorities, EndoSoft® offered a customized integration to not only maintain continuity but reduce clicks and elevate overall workflow. Teaming with Grady’s IT team, EndoSoft® proposed an API integration with Epic® and it was met with high anticipation.
The implementation involved many stages including complete data migration that included images, video, discrete data and procedure reports. All data migrated from EndoWorks® would then appear native in EndoVault, maintaining continuity and alleviating change fatigue for clinicians.
Multiple sessions between the Grady IT team and EndoSoft developers were then scheduled to research, develop, troubleshoot, test, train and implement the API integration. Using an encrypted command line integration, EndoVault® is launched directly from the Epic® Hyperspace application with parameters giving users, patients and encounter context.
- Patient arrives for appointment and encounter is accessed by the physician within Epic® hyperspace.
- Launch EndoVault® with command line parameters giving users, patients and encounter context.
- Physician performs the procedure. Images are taken, report is built and saved using EndoVault®.
- PDF reports with embedded images are sent to Epic® via MDM HL7 message. Discrete text is also sent via separate MDM message.
- Reports created in EndoVault® are viewed in Surgeries and Notes tab under the chart review section in Epic®.
“One of the most impressive things as a customer and working alongside the Endosoft developers to meet our API EMR integration request was definitely a great experience. In my opinion, as a leader of the Imaging and Integration team at Grady, vendors that are optimistic of changes to their software settings and configuration will always have an easier adaptation process and creates a better end users experience. My team and I are definitely pleased with the level of support and attention we got from Endosoft with our issues and request.”
– Mr. Jay Brijlal
Grady Memorial Hospital , Director Clinical Systems Integration & Imaging
Bringing It All Together
With parameters set and the implementation complete, Grady now has a fully integrated workflow for both GI and Pulmonary. Clinicians are now accessing EndoVault® without additional logins or duplicate data input, increasing their efficiency and enhancing patient care.
The seamless integration didn’t stop with Epic®, multiple interfaces, including DFT and bidrectional pathology are set to implement in phase 2. Utilizing shared interfaces saves the expenses of IT maintenance and sets the infrastructure for additional specialties down the road.
Native access to new and migrated data is allowing clinicians to utilize EndoVault’s reporting and analytics tool help meet regulatory requirements, prepare for audit inspections, analyze productivity and more.
With 2 specialties implemented, Grady has the freedom to implement additional EndoVault® specialties with this unique workflow in a streamlined process.
Looking Ahead
Looking ahead, this type of integration is set to benefit numerous facilities both as a complete, specialty specific, procedure documentation and image capture solution ImageArk®, an enterprise imaging solution of EndoSoft
“Interoperability has always been a high-priority for us so when the concept of this integration came up, we were enthusiastic to develop and implement it. In my opinion, an integrated health care delivery system will shape healthcare in the next few years and this integration is a testimonial to it. It is been a pleasure working alongside the team at Grady and we look forward to offering this robust and seamless integration to more of our Epic® clients in the future. ”
– Mr. Zohair Hussain
EndoSoft, VP of Product Development
For a pdf of this case study, click here
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