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Carbon Reduction Plan

Executive Summary 

UTECH® Products, Inc. is one of the world’s largest manufacturers and distributors of quality laboratory equipment and supplies. With offices and warehouses in USA, UK, The Netherlands, Germany, UAE, India, Australia, and China, UTECH/EndoSoft LTD distributes products for over 3,000 manufacturers with worldwide shipping and logistics locations. Founded in 1990, UTECH has led the demand for quality products at fair prices, offering over 3 million products to distributors, dealers, laboratories, healthcare facilities, and educational institutions. 

UTECH® Products, Inc software division, EndoSoft®, offers a modular-based Electronic Health Record solution tailored to providing specialty-specific content and quality metrics worldwide.  

Environmental Policy Statement 

With a worldwide presence, UTECH, along with its subsidiaries, seeks to protect our local environments and minimize the impact of our activities on the global environment. In 2023, we will be updating this plan to include a measure of our carbon footprint at baseline, to cover direct emissions (including energy usage, business travel, employee commuting, transportation, distribution, and waste) and specify our carbon reductions target and plans for how we will achieve these goals.  

Baseline Emissions Footprint Assessment  

Baseline emissions are a record of the greenhouse gases that have been produced in the past and were produced prior to the introduction of any strategies to reduce emissions. Baseline emissions are the reference point against which emissions reduction can be measured. Emissions sources in the scope of the 2023 review include:  

Emissions associated with company-owned office space  

UTECH/ENDOSOFT  currently utilizes more then 75% fluorescent light sources.  

UTECH/ENDOSOFT  presently uses intelligent devices to manage and control our HVAC system automatically at 35% of our locations.  

UTECH’s/ENDOSOFT’s water consumption was 258,513 gallons during the year 2022.   

UTECH/ENDOSOFT  already utilizes automatic flushing toilets and sinks to reduce unnecessary water usage at some of the facilities.   

UTECH/ENDOSOFT current monthly utility consumption is 96 kWh. UTECH currently utilizes automatic light sensors to reduce unnecessary electric usage.  

UTECH/ENDOSOFT  currently operates one (1) data center from the Headquarters. Thirty physical servers are present.  

UTECH/ENDOSOFT  employees are currently 45% working from home. There is a mix of usage of laptops and desktop computers.          

Emissions related to business travel

UTECH/ENDOSOFT requires central booking of all travel accommodations by our Travel Coordinator. Best travel routes are always considered. Carpooling is required when possible.  

UTECH/ENDOSOFT employees are encouraged to reduce travel emissions by encouraging virtual meetings and conferences in place of face-to-face meetings.     

UTECH/ENDOSOFT Company Vehicles are currently gas-powered but are moving to electric-powered company vehicles, we expect this to be completed by 2030.  

Emissions associated with data centers

UTECH/ENDOSOFT currently utilizes third-party data centers worldwide. About 50% of the servers are physical servers.      

Emission Reduction Goals 

Emissions associated with company-owned office space 

UTECH/ENDOSOFT  expects to replace fluorescent lights with LED energy-efficient light sources. 100% of the light sources will be LED by 2024.   

UTECH/ENDOSOFT expects to replace 100% of current HVAC systems with energy-efficient intelligent HVAC systems by 2030.   

UTECH/ENDOSOFTexpects to replace 75% of the remaining light switches with automatic sensor switches by 2025.  

UTECH/ENDOSOFT  expects to replace and consolidate 75% of our old servers in our data center with new power-efficient servers by 2024.  

UTECH/ENDOSOFT expects 65% of employees to work from home by 2030. UTECH expects to deploy virtual desktops to replace physical desktops for 85% of remote employees by 2024.  

Emissions related to business travel 

UTECH/ENDOSOFT expects 100% of company Vehicles to be electric-powered by 2030.   

Emissions associated with datacenters  

UTECH/ENDOSOFT expects 80% of third-party data centers worldwide to move to virtual servers by 2025.  

Sustainable Procurement 

UTECH/ENDOSOFT utilizes various 3rd Party datacenters around the world. By 2025, UTECH/ENDOSOFT intends to have 100% of 3rd Party datacenter servers as Virtual Servers. 

UTECH/ENDOSOFT  prioritizes vendors who provide sustainable materials in our products and packaging. 

Energy Efficiency 

UTECH/ENDOSOFT currently utilizes automatic light sensors to reduce unnecessary electric usage. Our HVAC system is controlled by intelligent devices and set to reduce power consumption and energy usage during non-operating business hours at some of our locations.   

Waste Management 

UTECH/ENDOSOFT has well-established recycling procedures for plastic, paper, and cardboard products, fluorescent tubes, batteries, toner cartridges, and electronic waste disposal. 

Employees are encouraged to use these services for their personal effects and are allowed to utilize Company Waste Management Services. 

Employee Engagement and Education 

UTECH’s/ENDOSOFT’s various corporate policies set Employees up for low emissions standards during work time.  

UTECH’s/ENDOSOFT’sTravel Policy requires carpooling when possible. Employees must shut down workstations and other electronic equipment at the end of the workday and reduce unnecessary printing. Meetings that previously were face-to-face interactions and required frequent travel are now encouraged to be held over the phone or via video virtual meetings.   

UTECH/ENDOSOFT  encourages employees to implement such practices into their personal lives.  

Monitoring and Reporting 

Managers audit Monthly reports to verify and validate that best practices and company policies are followed to ensure the least emissions.    

This Carbon Reduction Plan will be reviewed and adjusted on an annual basis.