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Automated dose calculation and built in redundancies decrease human error, increase patient safety and efficiency by elevating standardization and accuracy. In addition, the system includes dosage limits for certain medications and automatically creates a log if a medication should no longer be 

EndoVault® 3.0


oncology ehr, oncology emr, consent management, chemotherapy management

Chemotherapy Order Sets

In EndoVault, providers can safely and efficiently order anticancer agents and associated ancillary therapies. Orders are communicated directly to the pharmacy and chemotherapy delivery departments.

Automated dose calculation and built in redundancies decrease human error, increase patient safety and efficiency by elevating standardization and accuracy. In addition, the system includes dosage limits for certain medications and automatically creates a log if a medication should no longer be administered (lifetime restriction), or if a patient experiences an adverse reaction.

The application automatically calculates dosage based on various parameters such as BSA, AUC, BMI, Height, Weight, Creatinine, age, GFR, etc. as well as automating cycle and treatment date calculations.

The chemotherapy order sets are assembled by clinical specialty and powered by the industry’s most rigorous compilation of drug information.

General Orders

To further enhance a provider’s ability to deliver safe and quality Oncology care, the EndoVault® Orders tab offers a full set of orders including lab tests, radiology, diet, medications (inpatient), IV fluids and more. Each order clearly indicates which provider placed the order, the history of past orders along with notes and instructions recorded at the time the order was placed.

Radiation Therapy Orders

In EndoVault®, providers can order complete radiation therapy directly from the Orders tab. Radiation orders can be customized for each patient including dates, fractions, dosage, site code, modality and technique.

EndoVault® 3.2 is a Complete Meaningful Use Certified ( Electronic Health Record (EHR) application.


This Health IT Module is compliant with the ONC Certification Criteria for Health IT and has been certified by an ONC-ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. ONC-ACB Certification are additional costs and limitations associated with the certified functionality. Understanding these costs and limitations of EndoVault® 3.2 can be found at the following:  EndoVault EHR Cost Limitations. Rxnorm API, Surescripts, MaxMD, Pop-Health and Microsoft SQL Server are required.

ONC CERTIFIED HIT® is a registered trademark of HHS.

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