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Data Integrity, EHR Dictation, PAS Integration, Data Integrity, EHR Dictation, PAS Integration, Data Integrity, EHR Dictation, PAS Integration, EHR Dictation, EHR Dictation, 

Technical Solutions

EndoSoft applications are designed on Windows technologies using MS SQL and is compatible with Microsoft Server 2008 and higher, Virtual Server and Citrix. All applications operate on Microsoft Windows operating systems (Windows 7,8 & 10) and are Windows Active Directory (AD/LDAP) and CCOW compliant.


EndoSoft’s leading edge technology captures HD 1080p videos and images with ease through the many sources used in the clinical environment. HD video can be captured using RGB, Composite, S-Video, HDMI, HD/SDI, Firewire and USB outputs in native resolution.

HL7 & DICOM Integration

EndoSoft has interfaced with all billing and scheduling software vendors for all major Hospital Information systems available in the market. We have technology, experience and resources to provide interface services in a professional and timely fashion. From taking the ADT, scheduling, orders and query from the hospital information systems to sending results, pathology, billing, room and inventory utilization messages to various different applications of the hospital information system, we have done it all. For more information please see our EndoSoft HL7 Interface Specification and EndoSoft DICOM Conformance.

Streaming Video

Broadcast streaming video and audio in real time to remote locations using the intranet or internet for care coordination, live workshops, or student education.


EndoSoft is a member of IHE and actively participates in IHE Connectathons and the HIMSS Interoperability Showcases to demonstrate the breadth of EndoSoft’s interface experience with various HIS, devices and vendors.

EHR, electronic health record, emr, electronic medical record, meaningful use stage 2
health human services, meaningful use, ehr software, emr software, electronic medical record

EndoSoft applications are compliant with:

  • XML
  • HL7
  • XDS
  • XDS-I
  • XDR
  • DIRECT Protocol
  • CCD
  • ODBC
  • CCDA


EndoSoft provide state of the art technology to make your facility paperless. With e-signature functionality patients can sign official medical documents using a HIPAA compliant electronic signature pad. All documents can be stored in digital format in a database without having to store hard copy forms and documents. All documents are accessible by touch of a button.

Voice Recognition

All EndoSoft applications are Voice recognition enabled. Physicians can dictate in EndoSoft application and EndoSoft will convert the dictation into text. This technology has revolutionized the way physicians dictate reports. The reports can be transmitted enterprise wide as soon as the physicians finish dictating his report.

Patient Tracking, EHR, GI

PAS Integration

EndoSoft is ODBC compliant and can interface with any ODBC compliant database. We have developed many PAS interfaces for UK customers where we have provided the ability to pull data from the PAS system by running query for individual patients or getting a batch for the day.


EndoSoft Telemedicine is a state-of-the-art tool for teaching organizations, military or rural healthcare facilities where availability of specialties is scarce and care can be challenging. EndoSoft Telemedicine allows users to broadcast live streaming video along with the voice using intranet or internet real time while the procedure is being done for second opinion, live workshop, or teaching students at a remote location.

Vital Sign Integration

EndoSoft Point-of-Care software solutions bring computing to the patient’s bedside. These solutions allow physicians and nurses to capture clinical data via wireless hand-held computers, palm pilots, bar code scanners and automated vital-sign capture in real time. EndoSoft is compatible with all major vital sign monitors such as Welch Allyn, Datascope, Criticare, GE, Philips and Lifepak. Any vital sign monitor with data output via RS232 port or TCP/IP or HL7 interface will work seamlessly with EndoSoft to capture vital signs during the procedure without human intervention.

Voice Dictation

EndoSoft has developed a dictation tool which allows physicians to dictate in EndoSoft application which in turn gets transmitted to the transcriptionist or to his secretary who can transcribe the report. This dictated report appears in the fields where the physician dictated the text. Physician can do exactly the way they are dictating and still get the benefits of electronic medical record.


EndoSoft® has designed security systems to protect patient privacy from the global to the data element level. System security safeguards of password protection, encrypted password and EndoSoft Audit Trail are incorporated into EndoSoft to ensure data integrity and confidentiality of the stored patient and business information.

– System access supported by a Time-Out feature that can be set by type of user and by user’s department

– System security safeguards, in form of password protection, an encrypted password and EndoSoft Log Manager, have been incorporated to ensure data integrity and confidentiality of the stored business or patient information.

– The system has a User Access Control module to restrict patient access to a group of designated users. This allows role-based or user-based access

– Use of Internet to access the system is optional. 128 Bit Encryption (SSL) is used for all online data transfer

– Consent form and discharge instructions can be customized in accordance with the changing HIPAA regulation

– EndoSoft Log Manager is an audit trail solution to keep a log of every change made in the patient information. Each change is marked with previous and current information and every data entry is time, date and name stamped

– Supports Biometrics in the form of fingerprint login

– System supports write-locking mechanism to prevent unauthorized updates

– Maintenance of security from the global level to the data element level

There are additional costs associated with the certified functionality. Understanding these costs of EndoVault® 3.2 can be found at the following:  EndoVault EHR Cost Disclosure. 

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